BONSAI is a community token and culture currency
in the Lens Protocol ecosystem, for a community of creators,
builders, and explorers of on-chain social.

Buy it on Uniswap

1 $BONSAI = -- USD
100000 $BONSAI = 1 BONSAI NFT = -- USD

What is it?

Open Actions

Content creators can monetize their content on Lens protocol by setting it as collectible in $BONSAI. Additionally, Open Actions & DeFi can be utilized directly from the social feed - with $BONSAI payments.


An experimental, mixed ERC-20 / ERC-721 implementation - watch our explainer clip.

1 BONSAI NFT is linked to 100k $BONSAI tokens.



4 airdrops will be distributed to the community over the course of the first year. The first $BONSAI airdrop went out to active Lens users at launch and subsequent ones will reward community engagement and growth.

Open Actions

On launch, Lens open actions will support $BONSAI as a payment token, allowing users to send tips, and swap directly on their social feed with rewards.


Creators and users will get the chance to earn $BONSAI by contributing their creativity and skills.


60% community

  • 10% to airdrop 1 (DONE)
  • 10% to airdrop 2 (TBD)
  • 10% to airdrop 3 (TBD)
  • 10% to airdrop 4 (TBD)
  • 20% ecosystem support

15% team

Locked until Sept 2024, then vesting over 12 months.

10% investors

Locked until Oct 2024, then vesting over 12 months.

15% liquidity

150M BONSAI provided to Uniswap WMATIC:BONSAI Pool on launch.


Use $BONSAI on Lens via:

listen to the rain